In the following update I will cover three useful websites for understanding some important information regarding COVID-19, preparing as a runner and contracting COVID-19 from a training perspective.

Useful Websites

The following three websites and articles provided a great deal of unbiased and useful information.

  1. The following Q&A website from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).

Australian Institute of Sport Website

  1. The following from the Washington Post diagrammatically explaining why as a society Social Distancing is essential for the health and well being of our most vulnerable.

Washington Post Diagrammatical Representation

  1. The following listing the Government Guidelines for Community Sport. In short given the isolated nature of running we are largely unaffected.

Government Guidelines for Community Sport


Preparing as a Runner

As a runner we need to prepare for increased social distancing measures. While running may or may not be allowed in the future the way in which most people will be affected is through an inability to go to their gym. A basic home set up can be achieved quickly and cheaply. This will provided you with a range of activities so you can maintain, and for many, continue to progress your running.


A basic set of dumbbells are great. They are versatile because we can change the weights and give us up to 20kg to use to challenge the body.

Many will already have something like this at home but if not something along the lines of the following is perfect. Most sports stores will also have these. Alternately get creative around the home, rice bags, soil bags, water carriers can all give weight.

Kmart Dumbbell Set


A band is great as it’s cheap. This allows us resistance on crab walks or clams.

I personally use the PTP Microband Ultimate (Silver)

Step Up Box

A step up box of some description. Also consider if you have a large deck step or can create something similar at home.

Fit Ball

A fit ball allows great versatility and many people already have one.


While certainly not essential, as fingers crossed we can still run independently, it is something I have had runners talk to me about. Hence I will provide some guidance below.

We have three options. Hire, borrow or purchase a treadmill. I have runners who have done this. It may be too late to hire a treadmill as Be-Fit Hire do not have any more treadmills left, however there may be other local places that will rent them out.

Borrow a treadmill. This is often a piece of equipment that some people purchase and then never use. Consider putting a shout out through your Facebook account to see if a friend or relative who is not a runner has one they can lend you. It may well be collecting dust.

The last option is to purchase a treadmill. I know that the Southern Workout Store has some left ranging in price. However before you do this I would urge you to consider if you would utilise the equipment long term as they are pricey. If you mention that I sent you I have organized for free metro delivery. For interstate and overseas runners give your local fitness equipment store a call.


Contracting COVID-19

If, you contract COVID-19. First of all follow the guidelines outlined by self isolate and follow all medical advice.

From a training perspective if you start to feel symptoms then it is imperative that you take a rest day or two and do not resume training until you start to feel better again. Training causes an additional stress on the body that we want to remove.

Once you are better you will need to follow a return to training protocol as you should do after any illness. In short first build duration at easy zones before returning to intensity workouts.

For COVID-19 symptoms can range in duration but can persist for longer than three weeks however this is highly variable (AIS website). As a result a return to training program will be dependent on each individual as it seems this will be highly variable.

